Portfolio | Links: Launch Project
This is a p5.js experiment that creates balls and has them bounce around a screen. When certain balls hit each other, they change colors and reverse direction. I used ES6 classes to give each ball a class and a set of behaviors that control for collision detection and color changing:
//make ball class
class Ball {
constructor(fill) {
this.x = random(width);
this.y = random(height);
this.r = random(5, 25);
this.fill = fill; //line 24 sets the fill to a fill argument which is set when a button is
this.yVel = random(-3, 3); //clicked and when the balls hit each other
this.xVel = random(-3, 3);
//this sets the x position to the constructor + the x velocity
//and sets the y position to the constructor + the y velocity
//and runs the checkBalls() and checkWalls() functions
move() {
//this.xVel += xVel;
this.x = this.x + this.xVel;
this.y = this.y + this.yVel;
//this is a for loop that loops through all the balls in an array
//if the current ball doesn't equal itself
//then when half the current balls radius plus half the other balls radius is greater than their
//midpoints, a hit is made, and velocity is reversed
//I also have the balls change color when they hit each other
//Note: There is a weird edge case when the balls get stuck inside each other
//which I haven't been able to figure out
checkBalls() {
for(this.i = 0; this.i < balls.length; this.i++){
if(this !== balls[this.i]){
if( this.r/2 + balls[this.i].r/2 > 1 + dist(this.x, this.y, balls[this.i].x, balls[this.i].y)){
if((this.xVel / Math.abs(this.xVel) != balls[this.i].xVel / Math.abs(balls[this.i].xVel)) &&
(this.yVel / Math.abs(this.yVel) != balls[this.i].yVel / Math.abs(balls[this.i].yVel))) {
this.xVel *= -1;
this.yVel *= -1;
if (this.fill === themeGreen) {
balls[this.i].fill = themeOrange;
} else if (this.fill === themeOrange) {
balls[this.i].fill = themePurple;
} else if (this.fill === themePurple) {
balls[this.i].fill = themeGreen;
//if x is less than zero and greater than width,
//and y is less than zero and greater than height,
//reverse velocity
checkWalls() {
//check for walls
if(this.x < 0 || this.x > width) {
this.xVel *= -1;
//this.x = width-this.r;
if(this.y < 0 || this.y > height) {
this.yVel *= -1;
console.log("hit y wall");
//this is a method that shows the ball, and is run in draw
show() {
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.r);
} //end class declaration